
Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Amazing Wisdom

Amazing wisdom God had in the power of the sacrifice of the body and holy blood of His holy righteous faithful Son and amazing what effect that sacrifice has on us as we learn that it has happened in how it liberates us from the awful power our past sins would otherwise have over us and liberates us from being slaves to human nature which otherwise would keep us sinning. All because Jesus Christ the Son of Man bloodied by whipping was lifted up to die on a crude cross of wood to be seen by all like Moses lifted a bronze serpent on a pole of wood as God commanded. Strange wisdom but it worked. The snake bites were healed when the bitten people looked at the bronze snake and the human nature of sinfulness and failings and guilt is healed by the lifting up of Jesus in crucifixion when we learn of this truth and dwell on it and trust in this work of God.
A priestly question has to be asked 'was it for me?' and as the hymn puts it poetically 'can it be that I should gain an interest in the saviour's blood, died He for me?'. The answer is there in the fact that the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was a raising up of Christ dying for ALL to see so yes it is for whoever will regard it and be set free by it from guilt and human unworthiness. You just turn to it and find it is for you.
Afraid to look to it? Afraid what might happen? Think how much it cost God to prepare this sacrifice for you. Can you refuse this? Accepting it joins you with others who accept it, many ordinary people. But can you refuse what cost God so dearly?