
Friday, 4 November 2016

Jesus in History and Revelation

Jesus according to history was born around 6 to 4 BC in a town where lambs were raised for sacrifice in religion in the Jerusalem Temple and then at a young age started preaching and was baptised by John the Baptist. After a lot of Jewish opposition they had Jesus tried by Pontius Pilate their Roman ruler and crucified. The churches of the disciples of Jesus' teachings spread after this crucifixion and it was held that Jesus was the prophesied Messiah and had done miracles and even was alive from the dead. A book was written of a set of letters to churches which were attributed to Jesus as being dictated by the risen Jesus to John and was combined with visions which became known as the Apocalypse or Revelation. Other letters and writings were combined as a corpus later canonised as authentic inspired scriptures. The churches became organised by regions. The earliest were in Antioch in Syria and Jerusalem. Later one was centred in Rome. Others centred in India, Egypt, Ethiopia, Greece. By revelation Jesus is the one He Himself proclaimed as the Son of Man. His sent out disciples proclaimed Him as Son of God and Lord and Christ or Messiah. They proclaimed He was the one who with God was existing before the Universe or anything else existed and God was related to Him both as Father with Son and as God with the divine Word of God. The Holy Spirit today proclaims that by the honour and power of His Name all creation continues day after day.