When I write and send a post on my blog or on social media, it is coming from a person (a computer is not generating it, the writer is a person, myself), yet it is not itself a person. This comment will not leap off the computer and work out a way to help you understand it and believe it. It will not prove to you that it is more than a comment and that it is a person in its own right. However, the spirit coming from God which we call Holy Spirit has the attributes of a person, able to empower you to believe it, and able to prove to you that it is real and has wisdom and has love for you. It is a comforter in doing this. He speaks to people directly. He brings things from God and from Christ but does so with personal wisdom and personality. Sometimes He only manifests as an influence, like my comment here, bringing communication like that writing on the wall translated by Daniel or those tongues of fire descending at Pentecost or the force that held down King Saul to stop him killing David. Other times He comes in a more personal one-to-one way, meeting people directly with speech to them with a personal discernible, characteristic voice. That is why Jesus called Him the Comforter like Himself. That is why I too can testify of what I too have met and encountered.