
Monday, 22 November 2021

Is Life force a force of Nature?

 The natural sorcerers tell us the universe spread out from a Big Bang many billions of years ago. Aeons ago. The aeons of time have all spread disorder further and further and yet something has counteracted increasing disorder through all the aeons. Life has formed. Did a force of Nature do this? Did the Creator of the universe create a force which led the universe into producing Life? Not just Life. The perfecting of that Life. Until humans were formed and a particular human, the Son of Man. Becoming a flesh human being named Jesus Christ the Lord, perfected through suffering as a mortal. Rising from the dead after dying on a cross. Bringing together God and Mankind in that cross. Then rising to immortal life wrapped in the Creator’s power. Producing disciples transforned to share this perfection. To be risen together with this Son of Man, all perfected. The universe has moved towards this despite the laws of entropy of reducing order. Order amidst growing chaos. Perfected towards eternity. God did this. Did God create a force, a Life force, to move towards it or is God ever doing all this personally?