
Tuesday, 9 November 2021

The Woes of being rich

 Sadly the super-rich cannot take their wealth when they go to the hereafter. Their faith isn’t strong enough for them to “sell all and give to the poor”, like Jesus Christ teaches, “providing purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not spoil or fade”. The rich tend to be too poor in faith to extend their fortune beyond this short life. In the hereafter the poor will watch the formerly rich people from afar as these poor get their comfort. Even if they proclaim the intent to give all their own wealth away, you still see them wealthy years later. It isn’t so easy. Maybe billionaires should give it a go and sell all and see if God helps them give the proceeds to the poor to make themselves richer in the next life. With God nothing is impossible. Scientific materialism is no help for faith in God, though. Science cannot really help the soul. The many rich getting rich today from Science, technology and medicine are already at a great disadvantage compared to those who embrace religion. They might be banking on this life being all there is, but the truth will one day bite them, and bite them hard.