We should be putting Trinitarians on notice (gently, respectfully - God knows I’ve almost been one myself in the past), because they have based a whole dogma, mandating it too, on a sinful premise called hypostasis, in which divinity has been likened, in their foundational philosophy (led by Origen and other neoplatonist philosophers), to a substance, just like gold and silver are substances. It is a kind of natural magic, breaking down everything into constituent substances (hypostases). Applying that way of thinking to God and to God’s divinity is sinful and worldly. Then they have used that sinful way of thinking to try to understand the divinity of Jesus Christ. This is wrong. The writers of scripture did not understand things that way. Paul admitted that he once regarded Jesus in such a wordly way but emphasised that he did so no longer. God tolerated such ignorance in the past but now commands repentance.