We could call modern science ‘natural sorcery’. Modern Science, starting four hundred years ago, tries to distinguish natural magic from ceremonial magic by focusing its magic on finding the secrets of nature solely by experimentation with no invocation of spirits. It tries to reinforce this constraint by denial that spirits even exist, which many take to the extreme by denying God exists and by bitterly opposing religious faith (scientific materialism). Before the advent of the establishment art of modern science, science was just one branch of the magic arts practiced by alchemists and sorcerers. By distinguishing natural magic as experimental, not invoking spirits, the hope was that the Church would allow publications of its practitioners to remain in circulation. Effectively this art then changed its name to natural science. Really it is still a branch of sorcery and magic but sorcery was distinguished from it by a characterisation that sorcerers continued to invoke spirits. This distinction was artificial because the same people who were practicing this modern science, natural magic, were also still practicing the ceremonial magic. There was a veil of obfuscation drawn over this by the syncretisation of these magic arts with Christianity, such as in the formation of Christian Esotericism. Behind this veil the sorcery continued, surviving witch trials and the Inquisition. So there was never a genuine distinction between science and sorcery, except that science had a focus on natural sorcery and on experimentation, but often in combination with more traditional spiritual, ‘ceremonial’ sorcery. The aims of both practices were the same, practiced by the same people, often in the guise of Christianity (both Catholic and Protestant): the aim of small elite groups finding the ancient secrets of nature which, it was supposed, would unlock power and wealth. This continues, albeit established with propaganda which normalises it and legitimises it, and yet really the distinction means that modern science could actually be termed natural sorcery. Ultimately it is probably trying to recreate the world as it was before the Flood when humans were led astray by teachings from fallen angels, as the Book of Enoch testifies. Such a pursuit of hidden knowledge is likely to have the same outcome, destruction of the planet by humans, followed by destruction of humans by the wrath of God. We have been warned.