Scientism is the over-reliance on Science, technology and medicine to solve every human problem. Hospitals were relied on to solve the problem of the pandemic. Not prayer or practical kindness. Hospitalisations. Yet so many caught the virus, not outside, nor at home, but in hospital, going to hospital for something other than the virus. It makes zero sense to treat infectious diseases in the same buildings as injuries, putting highly infectious patients in close proximity to people with low immunity and patients recovering from surgery. It is probably just tradition: Arrogant traditions that say “we always did it this way”. There were huge temporary hospitals for virus infected people set up and left empty while infected patients were either kept in hospital with uninfected patients nearby or sent to live with equally vulnerable elderly people in nursing homes. This arrogance is about showing off how modern science can protect us and we don’t need God but in arrogantly sidelining God the politicians are sidelining common sense and the sacredness of life. There MUST be a reckoning. There will be. It will be in the hands of the God and His Christ you have sidelined.