Every age of civilisation arguably has a singular person behind it. The Renaissance had da Vinci. The Industrial Age had Brunel. The Information Age, unbeknown to most, had Engelbart. There is usually someone who more than anyone defines that Age. Well over the longer term is the time of human civilisation as a whole and beyond it. There is one singular person chief over all other human people who defines the ages, the Aeon, in fact they number all the years by this one man, Jesus Christ: The culmination and epitome of Abraham’s faith, the terror of humanity’s end on judgement day, and the hope of humanity in between. Heralded by John the Baptist. Resurrector of Lazarus. Fought over by Christian and Muslim knights. Praised by hymn writers. Documented by the New Testament authors as the only begotten Son. Acknowledged as beloved Son by God the Father from the highest throne of Heaven. Magnified in glory by the Pentecostal Spirit. Trusted for salvation by the convicted sinners. Jesus Christ. The Lord. The Lamb of God. The champion of truth. What manner of man is this, that even the winds and waves obey Him. We can do what He does if we believe in all He is. We can become free if we hold to His teachings. His resurrection will foreshadow ours.