
Saturday, 28 January 2023

The Dark Eagle

God speaks today. God the real Father of the real Lord Jesus Christ. What does God mean today by "Israel has sinned"? Why has the dark eagle circled overhead in ever watching surveillance since the late 1990s? Today we see what are called Neocons hawkishly influencing the world and inching towards WW3. What drives them? Is this the sin? They have close associates such as a certain granddaughter of Ukrainian Jews (Moldovan really) who fled to USA to escape pogroms. She seems to be driving the aggression in USA and UK and the EU against Russia as they all support Ukraine's Kiev regime. This has effectively brought the Collective West countries into a strongly supportive position in favour of persistence of the brutal repression of Russian ethnic people of the Donbass of Ukraine. God has already judged many believers for complicity in this support and in the murdering of these civilians of the Donbass which continues today as Russia seeks to stop it by trying to counter attack against the militia groups daily bombarding these civilians and as Russia tries to stop the militia dropping small maiming cluster bombs in reach of their children. God sees. God sees the atrocities, the suffering of innocents and sees hearts full of hatred behind the murderous killings and maiming of civilians. How long will this all be allowed to continue and how long will the NATO nations cast themselves as the good guys while they perpetuate this conflict by refusing peace talks and supplying weapons? The historical crimes of the Holocaust are surely being avenged but at the same time the rich nations are persisting one-sided anti-Russian hatred and crimes. God sends His eagle of war and we are all watched from above yet it will not keep circling, at some point it will swoop and we could be rapidly pulled into a full-scale world war which could even result in those awful mushroom clouds reminiscent of the four minute warnings of the Cold War, only there will not be four minutes.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

The whole point of Christianity

“Worry about nothing but in everything make your requests known to God.” This defines God. The being who is so loving and powerful and wise and hears prayers as God such that we can stop worrying about any worry and instead turn that worry into a prayer to this One True God who really does answer prayer and is really the answer to our every worry. That is what it means that He is God, our God. Because of Jesus His Son we can have this true God as our God. No need for other gods. This one is so all sufficient that we can have Him as our One God. This is a very important truth indeed. Odd how theologians seem to miss it somewhat. It is the whole point of Christianity, or it should be. Jesus Christ is truly trustworthy to keep this Father God favourable towards us as adherents. Look how everything even in Nature is trusted to the authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has what it takes to be Great High Priest forever over this household of God’s adherents, supplicants. We can rest assured of this as we join this household in having the Father of Jesus, the God of Jesus as the One True God. Then God protects us, defends us, as we fear Him reverentially, fearing the One who if He were to destroy a life, could do it permanently forever, yet not living fearfully because His love for us, for you, for me, to some extent for every soul, is such that He sent His sinless one begotten Son to die for our sins, and raised this Jesus from the dead to be forever this Great High Priest, this Lord, this Deliverer. Yes God is fearsome in awe and holiness but Jesus mediates between us and God, taking direct access to God on our behalf and bringing teachings to us from God by the Holy Spirit given to us, and interceding for us before God in God’s immediate presence. Jesus is human so he can do this how we as humans need it done. We can rest assured of this. We can put away our weak defence systems and take refuge in the shadow of his wings. 

Sunday, 22 January 2023

So great a name

 The Book of Enoch tells of the way the name of the Son of Man was incorporated into the oath by which Nature is kept in order, all natural processes functioning as God intended. Today we find the name of Jesus Christ the Lord is very much the power behind all Nature’s processes. This surely speaks to the purity of the life of Jesus and worthiness of the sacrifice he is as lamb of God such that all power is given to him now he is raised from the dead forever. It is beyond our ability to comprehend just how great Jesus is yet a human like us but sinless and perfected, the Son of Man.

The intimacy of a meal

 We sometimes need to learn from other cultures because a culture can lose sight of important things in life. The West is prone to lose sight of things and arrogantly think they see it all clearly and think that what they do mot see is not worth seeing. Ignore all that and learn from what the West does not see. Social intimacy such as eating together and the whole custom of breaking bread is lost from much of Western culture. Some countries still put great store on family meal times. There is a social phenomenon lost by many which is that eating with someone else or with a group can involve a fundamental human need to share feelings and share mind. Coffee houses used to be important in the West. Nowadays we do have coffee shops where people can meet and chat over coffee. Not quite what the coffee houses used to be. Insurance companies in the City of London started out of coffee houses where merchants could discuss trades and shipping knowledge and tips and use the knowledge eventually to develop insurance schemes and react to shipping events and accidents. Intimacy, though, we tend to confine to what happens between couples in private, yet intimacy in sharing coffee or tea and meals is very important for a balanced healthy life and a loss for those who live in solitude. Christ Jesus made much of mealtime intimacy between friends or in a household. It is still an important part of what he teaches and practices today. He famously announced in Revelation in a letter he dictated to a church after his resurrection, that he stands at the door and knocks and if anyone hears his voice and opens the door, he will come in and sup with that one, and that one sup with him. Intimacy. Nothing sexual like we see obsessively portrayed in our movies. This is pure human intimacy between friends or between master and servant. He the master invites the servant who is faithful in serving him to sit and be treated to a meal where Jesus himself serves. It is spiritual of course, not involving physical food, except in the communion Lord’s Supper of course. He reaches into the heart of the one he singles out for this and he knocks on that door of the heart and when the hearer hears and opens that door, he comes right in, right deep the innermost being where he the master of hearts aline can go, and he sets a table and shares a spiritual meal of the knowledge of himself at that purest, spiritual level, and that person finds Jesus to be human and alive in a body and everything the soul really needs, a mediator with God Himself. This food is eternal life. To those who believe and receive him. The bread of life and water of life. The fount of living water, from him whose blood bought atonement of our sins. 

Glimmers of God

 Answers to prayer. When we ask something and see it answered by God and we know it was God who answered it we are making history. God is manifesting Himself in the here and now of this material world. We rarely see the workings of God Himself, the Almighty Himself. God does so many things in this universe but mostly it is hidden from us and known only to His Holy Spirit, His Son and often His angels. Now and then there is an exception. Besides answers to prayer which we can be sure are the work of God Himself, we can sometimes be blessed with unexpected miraculous events in our lives where God defies the ordinary and does something we know must be Him at work. This is especially a blessing of those who believe the true gospel message of God, of the man Jesus Christ the Son of God who is mediator between God and man and died for our sins on the cross and was raised again by God to live as Lord and Christ forever. God blesses true believers in this message with direct actions which are truly miraculous and demonstrate in the here and now what God can do and how He works, and also with the blessing of the Holy Spirit manifest among us to bring from Jesus what God gives him and make it known to us. All these things are a window into heaven, a glimmer of the being we know as God, in events of the direct involvement of God Himself in this material universe before our eyes, They are history in the making and need to be remembered and cherished as facts even science cannot fathom because sciences are confined to the natural universe and ignorant of the divine. One day there will be no distinction between science and the divine, because it will all be fully known but for now the works of God are His testimony of light in a dark world. Know these things.

Jesus the man

 Jesus brings God’s truth to man and is himself a man, and intercedes with God directly so we can rest assured we need not endure unendurable direct contact with God, the holy fire of highest divinity, because Jesus himself has this direct contact on our behalf, like Moses but greater and eternal.

God’s truth is marching on

 Heaven has its regime, just as the world has its regimes. The God who spoke to me was clear that He, the Father, is the one God. This makes a break from Trinity dogma so powerfully enforced in Christendom since the fourth century. The power of the truth of God and testimony of God is greater than enforced dogma and God shows that He is the One who reigns by how His testimony can so powerfully override that of men, of theological philosophers past and present, with Almighty power, by how the teachings of scripture and of the Holy Spirit have backed up this testimony as I have taught it online and in churches. The precept has followed precept, little by little as I wrote and discussed and debated over the years since God spoke to me. Now I have understood how scriptures used by Trinitarians were originally supposed to be understood. The testimonies of Jesus Christ needed better understanding and Unitarians have helped greatly and the Holy Spirit has backed it up by giving me better and better understanding of the gospels and epistles. God reigns. God can overrule by His testimony. Jesus, God testifies, is His Son. Jesus testifies that God is His Father but God His Father is Himself alone the One True God. It is not about Trinity or sharing God divinity between three people, all one being, no. The Father is a distinct being otherwise He could not give a distinct testimony about Jesus His Son. Jesus brings God’s truth to man and is himself a man, and intercedes with God directly so we can rest assured we need not endure unendurable direct contact with God, the holy fire of highest divinity, because Jesus himself has this direct contact on our behalf, like Moses but greater and eternal. The real meanings of misinterpreted gospels such as John’s displace those misinterpretations as God gives grace to understand what is given by the Holy Spirit. God reigns. God’s testimony is greater than man’s. God’s truth is marching on. 

We wrestle not with flesh and blood

 We could breathe better if Ukraine would deal with its far right issues like West Germany did after WW2. Personally, however, I believe invisible forces like an angelic power are at play. The existence of Ukraine’s unresolved far right issues are easily exploited by these forces to create trouble and inflict widespread judgement on Christians and Jews who forsake their God. These forces, I believe, as did many in my parents’ generation, were behind the Holocaust. Now the successor to that invisible power can use the unresolved issues to fan into flames a new Holocaust. This is, I tend to believe, what Putin and Putin’s Russia is having to fight against.

2023 and the Apocalypse

 Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, yes? First virus plagues. Now far right. Plus price caps. What next? Excess deaths. All Four Horsemen stuff. And nobody repents of murderous hatred and fixation on Big Pharma. Just like the good book says. 

Thursday, 19 January 2023

God in fullness bodily

We humans cannot easily love what we cannot see or picture or know as a physical person. We need to either know a person by sight or by the description of those who know them by sight, touch, sound, by physical proximity. Someone never seen physically is hard to know and love. God is not easy to love from descriptions of direct contact because few have ever seen God physically and then never fully to describe Him fully. Full knowledge of God is really only something the Son has ever had from sufficient closeness to know God fully and be able to describe Him for us. We need to love God, as is our duty, but we need to know Him in the way we know other people who lead us and teach us. Jesus is so fully like God that effectively we get a true and full picture of what God would be like if physically seen in full when we learn what Jesus is like and what Jesus says and does and when we have closeness spiritually to Jesus. This is what we need in order to feel in our human way that we do indeed love God, loving with a clear conscience that we love what we actually truly know, not merely from some vision or dream but knowing God as we see Him more fully in Jesus His Son: Translated truly as a human being so we can love Him. Seeing God in Jesus we can rest assured with clear conscience that we love God for what God truly is with the same love we have for people we know from direct contact, This is part of what Jesus is as our human Mediator between us and God. We can love and believe in and hope in this God in truth with a clear conscience that it is in truth as we know and love and believe in and hope in Jesus Christ His Son. 

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Covenantal or Professional?

In my work I have to adhere to what we all know as professionalism. Being professional is an unwritten standard of working behaviour. Like the English constitution, there is no documented standard definition of what this entails, as far as I am aware. We all get exhorted to be professional. We have a tacit understanding of what it probably means. Be mature. Don’t get too personal in working with colleagues. Be respectful. Work carefully according to knowledge of your profession. In some professions it is formalised by some recognised standard, such as the bar exams in Law and exams leading to ordination in Divinity. My profession is hardly a profession, software development. Nobody seems to define it with enforced discipline and standards. Yet we behave according to the unwritten expectations. In wider life including but not limited to working life I have to adhere to an even greater standard, one put in place by God and founded in the blood of His One Son Jesus Christ, the Lord. That is binding on me. My professionalism gives colleagues, employers and clients or customers assurance about how I am likely to behave in my work. Some might be even more assured to know the covenant to which I must adhere. If my colleagues use work procedures to sabotage my work or persecute me, I am under covenant to love them still and do to them what I would have them do to me, not to imitate what they themselves do to me. This might assure my manager if he knew that I am bound to this covenant. It is like the legal factors in operation when we walk down the street. If we wait at traffic lights (robots as some countries call them) we know that once the lights change we can, if the law so provides, walk out across the road assured the cars will not set off and hit us. We even risk our lives with such assurance. That is the power of traffic law. The covenant is greater if we live in the covenant of Christ. In our lives it should be powerful enough to ensure others can be safe with us, although living a life of love does not negate the possibility of God’s angel protecting our lives at the detriment of those who harm us or threaten to do so. The Lord’s angel encamps around us as we live in godly fear. But it should be recognisable in our lives that our covenantal adherence is at least as dependable as professionals’ professionalism can be. Now we might be outside this covenant with no awareness of duty to God. Even then there is a covenant. The covenant of ancient times covers concepts such as avoidance of violence, desisting from needless killing, even animals are punishable if they kill humans. Some, notably in Judaism, call it the Noahide law or Noahide covenant because of the belief that it was put in place by God after the Flood, applicable to all humans and even animals to some extent. The fullness of these covenants is largely unwritten, written on human psyche, perhaps animal psyche too (many predators are oddly reticent about attacking humans). We expect others to behave civilly towards us in life and work. God sets in place covenants which empower these assurances. Jesus Christ paid for such a covenant with his blood and is alive again from the dead to administer it and eventually judge us all.

Monday, 16 January 2023

Ministers of a new covenant

 We are ministers of a new covenant. The apostles could say this because Jesus has shed the blood of his own body as holiest of all sacrifices of perfection for our sins and we now live in times of hope for eternal life and the resurrection. This covenant is real and binding for those who believe. The commands and teachings of Jesus Christ the Lord are given and should be learned as part of this covenant which he has brought about. His love for God led him to obey even to the shedding of his blood on the cross, and God raised him from the dead. He now stands between us and God like a human shield for us to shield us from God’s wrath by his finished sacrifice and his ongoing intercessions and help. We need to know he is master of our innermost beings and all that we are and all that we have when we are in God’s family household  because of him. Only if we obey his teachings and receive cleansing from the Holy Spirit in his name can we be permanent members of his family, the family of Jesus and of God the Father. He is over all in all authority and even Nature itself operates under this authority of his name, so we can live by this authority of the Lord Jesus Christ in complete confidence that he has our back, so to speak. He shades us in his shade as Lord over all and the One Son of God. Until he returns. Then he will judge, not only us but all the world. Be ready. Return to his covenant. Return to his teachings. Return to his authority. Before it is too late. This lamb of God is the lion of Judah. Should he return to us as lion or as gentle lamb?


 Opinion: If Britain takes its objective further in regards to Ukraine weapon supply, it will be morally guilty of perverting the course of justice by its obstruction of the Russian operations to stop the immoral killing of civilians in Donbas. The gracious benefits Britain has received to help through lockdowns, it seems to be taking as licence to engage in immoral opposition to these moral interventions by Russia in Donbas. This will all come back to haunt the UK later and future history will surely not speak kindly of Britain for doing this.

Saturday, 14 January 2023

Tipping Point

 1995/1996 was surely a time of grave ethical failing so very costly to the whole world as it created conditions for nuclear war we are facing today.

Then between 1996 and 2000 there was a tipping point and Europe chose badly between a future without Christianity and a future with Christianity. The gravity worsened. 

Sunday, 8 January 2023

The greatest command of God

 Love God. This command is given by Moses and then by Christ Jesus as the greatest command to keep. Love God then the commands of God will be yours to keep. God gives commands. If you love God you will keep these commands. Love towards God includes holding dear the commands of God such as love of your neighbour. Love towards God includes holding dear the commands of God and reminding yourself of them frequently and teaching them to your children and shouting them from your platform of choice, your voice to those around, near and far. Love God and you will love His Son Jesus Christ and this too means holding to Jesus’ teachings and teaching them to the next generation. It means loving people both of our own ethnicity and of other ethnicities, even those we are taught to despise. The Good Samaritan loved a victim of crime needing help even though this victim was of a race and ethnic culture which hated him. The Good Samaritan did not ignore the injuries but treated them simply and provided a safe place to recuperate using his own resources. This love overcomes extremist hatred. Overcoming is the goal of Jesus Christ’s commands. Love Jesus and God his Heavenly Father and obey their commands and they, Jesus and God, will visit you in your journey and make themselves known to you and become a part of your future acts of right living and lessons of right living forever. Resurrection is coming. Eternal life is in Jesus Christ who died for you and is resurrected by God and lives forever. 

Saturday, 7 January 2023

Rest Assured

It is really about leaving in Christ’s hands representing us to God. This is his rest. We rest assured that Jesus Christ is flesh and bone as we are, has got our backs, and is there with God directly representing us and sharing what God gives him by the Holy Spirit bringing those things to us. Jesus has it covered. Put down your umbrella and let his cover us. We rest assured. He gives us tasks to build the temple. We do what God has prepared in advance for us to do. Yes, His hand is then in everything, 

My Lord and my God

 "My Lord and my God!" exclaimed Jesus' apostle, Thomas, on seeing the pierced hands of the risen Jesus Christ. How this fits into the doctrinal position of so many Christians who teach that Jesus is God together with the Father. Yet that is a wishful use of the verse, rather childish in its naivety. The fact is, in the Gospel of John where this exclamation of Thomas is recorded, just a bit earlier in that same passage, Jesus is recorded as having sent a message to his disciples via Mary to tell them that he is ascending to their God and his God, to their Father and his Father. Jesus had taught them throughout his ministry that God is both their God and his God, their Father and his Father. Thomas surely exclaimed his finally completed persuasion that this was indeed true and that now how could in all honesty and wholeheartedly call Jesus his Lord and God the Father his God. Now he could face life forever as a walk he could step by step live with a righteous aspect he could forever share with God his heavenly Father and with Jesus his heavenly Lord.

Exiting Babylon is moral and not ethnic

 Babylon today is the historical and spiritual city of Rome which spreads immorality and misery worldwide by its luxury and opulent industries and influences. So coming out from it is not an ethnic matter but a moral one. When we come out of the system surrounding Rome, we do so by disconnecting from it but also from keeping its influences of immorality at arms length. This is not an ethnic issue. The fighting today in Ukraine and Donbass illustrates how it can be dire to make independence a matter of ethnic purging. It is not ethnic. There is no need for ideological nationalism on those lines. As the UK stays out of the EU, it is the moral excesses of the EU and its immoral system that we both keep away from and put away from ourselves. This is not to be taken to a direction of nationalism and fascism. 'Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.”' So the scripture says, but the unclean thing to avoid is the immoral industry we see with fashion and luxury cars and fine food and wine that entices our young people toward compromising their morality for the sake of the money to buy these luxuries and the selling of their souls that can result from this. That is what Babylon means in the book of Revelation as is seen in the city it metaphorically really meant to pinpoint which was Rome and its environs and its systems and gangs.

Friday, 6 January 2023


Amazing that God has a human firstborn Son, conceived by God by the Holy Spirit overshadowing virgin Mary. The Son, Jesus Christ, is a human being like us but raised from the dead to be Lord forever, master of our soul, the One with firsthand knowledge of God the Father, to whom we can ask “Hide me” and he says “Let me shelter you”. Amazing that the Holy Spirit breathes into the churches and all believers mysterious inspiring truth from Jesus who receives it from the Father, and this Spirit can guide us along righteous paths. This way leads us to a step by step walk with God and with His Son. Because God sent Jesus to be born that gloriously divine day in Bethlehem.

The True Jesus born a true human being

Know the true Jesus Christ, born a normal baby, Son of God but fully human, sinless but tempted, as human as we are, conception by the Holy Spirit and firstborn of God, yet born like any human and living like us, indistinguishable from us and truly like us. To have eternal life we must ‘eat’, feed on, the flesh of the Son of Man. We must take nourishing inspiration and encouragement in the human being who Jesus, the Son of Man, is. Missing this humanity is missing the eternal life nourishment of spirit that we need. (Some philosophy clouds the issue, muddies the water, obscures this truth with apparent denial that Jesus is truly flesh and blood.) Jesus has come this way so we do not have to directly interface with God. Confusing people by telling them Jesus is God makes people think he isn’t a human fully like us, which hides from them the real nature of human Jesus, alive from the dead, human forever, that people need to feed on in their lives.He died for us. He died for you. Christ died for you. Now you can know, if God gives you grace to know it, that Jesus is alive from the dead and human like us, the Son of Man, and he has direct access to God on our behalf. He has no sin, nothing to keep him from peace with God forever and ever. The One we all need. The One like Moses. Lamb of God and the good shepherd of the sheep. Walking on water but just in the way he says we too can do with faith, persuasion without doubt. Looking unto him. Lord over us all and master of all the righteous things God wants us to do, with a walk step by step with Himself and His Son, forever, even raised from the dead by Jesus if we die before his return.

Thursday, 5 January 2023

Step by step with God and His Son forever

Each day we face a possible next step in that part of our lives concerning righteousness. God wants to be forever with us in that step, both He and His Son. His Son (Jesus Christ) suffered death by crucifixion as a sacrificial lamb of God to atone with God for our sins, because the failure to meet God's standards needed this sacrifice. God raised him from the dead and he together with God will walk with those who believe in each step of righteousness throughout life and forever. This is what God wants for us and has given Jesus Christ in provision for our sins to enable it if we believe in Jesus God's One Son, first of many sons, who is in direct touch with God for us, and if we hold to Jesus' teachings.