“Worry about nothing but in everything make your requests known to God.” This defines God. The being who is so loving and powerful and wise and hears prayers as God such that we can stop worrying about any worry and instead turn that worry into a prayer to this One True God who really does answer prayer and is really the answer to our every worry. That is what it means that He is God, our God. Because of Jesus His Son we can have this true God as our God. No need for other gods. This one is so all sufficient that we can have Him as our One God. This is a very important truth indeed. Odd how theologians seem to miss it somewhat. It is the whole point of Christianity, or it should be. Jesus Christ is truly trustworthy to keep this Father God favourable towards us as adherents. Look how everything even in Nature is trusted to the authority of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He has what it takes to be Great High Priest forever over this household of God’s adherents, supplicants. We can rest assured of this as we join this household in having the Father of Jesus, the God of Jesus as the One True God. Then God protects us, defends us, as we fear Him reverentially, fearing the One who if He were to destroy a life, could do it permanently forever, yet not living fearfully because His love for us, for you, for me, to some extent for every soul, is such that He sent His sinless one begotten Son to die for our sins, and raised this Jesus from the dead to be forever this Great High Priest, this Lord, this Deliverer. Yes God is fearsome in awe and holiness but Jesus mediates between us and God, taking direct access to God on our behalf and bringing teachings to us from God by the Holy Spirit given to us, and interceding for us before God in God’s immediate presence. Jesus is human so he can do this how we as humans need it done. We can rest assured of this. We can put away our weak defence systems and take refuge in the shadow of his wings.