
Monday, 16 January 2023

Ministers of a new covenant

 We are ministers of a new covenant. The apostles could say this because Jesus has shed the blood of his own body as holiest of all sacrifices of perfection for our sins and we now live in times of hope for eternal life and the resurrection. This covenant is real and binding for those who believe. The commands and teachings of Jesus Christ the Lord are given and should be learned as part of this covenant which he has brought about. His love for God led him to obey even to the shedding of his blood on the cross, and God raised him from the dead. He now stands between us and God like a human shield for us to shield us from God’s wrath by his finished sacrifice and his ongoing intercessions and help. We need to know he is master of our innermost beings and all that we are and all that we have when we are in God’s family household  because of him. Only if we obey his teachings and receive cleansing from the Holy Spirit in his name can we be permanent members of his family, the family of Jesus and of God the Father. He is over all in all authority and even Nature itself operates under this authority of his name, so we can live by this authority of the Lord Jesus Christ in complete confidence that he has our back, so to speak. He shades us in his shade as Lord over all and the One Son of God. Until he returns. Then he will judge, not only us but all the world. Be ready. Return to his covenant. Return to his teachings. Return to his authority. Before it is too late. This lamb of God is the lion of Judah. Should he return to us as lion or as gentle lamb?