
Saturday, 7 January 2023

Exiting Babylon is moral and not ethnic

 Babylon today is the historical and spiritual city of Rome which spreads immorality and misery worldwide by its luxury and opulent industries and influences. So coming out from it is not an ethnic matter but a moral one. When we come out of the system surrounding Rome, we do so by disconnecting from it but also from keeping its influences of immorality at arms length. This is not an ethnic issue. The fighting today in Ukraine and Donbass illustrates how it can be dire to make independence a matter of ethnic purging. It is not ethnic. There is no need for ideological nationalism on those lines. As the UK stays out of the EU, it is the moral excesses of the EU and its immoral system that we both keep away from and put away from ourselves. This is not to be taken to a direction of nationalism and fascism. 'Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.”' So the scripture says, but the unclean thing to avoid is the immoral industry we see with fashion and luxury cars and fine food and wine that entices our young people toward compromising their morality for the sake of the money to buy these luxuries and the selling of their souls that can result from this. That is what Babylon means in the book of Revelation as is seen in the city it metaphorically really meant to pinpoint which was Rome and its environs and its systems and gangs.