Answers to prayer. When we ask something and see it answered by God and we know it was God who answered it we are making history. God is manifesting Himself in the here and now of this material world. We rarely see the workings of God Himself, the Almighty Himself. God does so many things in this universe but mostly it is hidden from us and known only to His Holy Spirit, His Son and often His angels. Now and then there is an exception. Besides answers to prayer which we can be sure are the work of God Himself, we can sometimes be blessed with unexpected miraculous events in our lives where God defies the ordinary and does something we know must be Him at work. This is especially a blessing of those who believe the true gospel message of God, of the man Jesus Christ the Son of God who is mediator between God and man and died for our sins on the cross and was raised again by God to live as Lord and Christ forever. God blesses true believers in this message with direct actions which are truly miraculous and demonstrate in the here and now what God can do and how He works, and also with the blessing of the Holy Spirit manifest among us to bring from Jesus what God gives him and make it known to us. All these things are a window into heaven, a glimmer of the being we know as God, in events of the direct involvement of God Himself in this material universe before our eyes, They are history in the making and need to be remembered and cherished as facts even science cannot fathom because sciences are confined to the natural universe and ignorant of the divine. One day there will be no distinction between science and the divine, because it will all be fully known but for now the works of God are His testimony of light in a dark world. Know these things.