We humans cannot easily love what we cannot see or picture or know as a physical person. We need to either know a person by sight or by the description of those who know them by sight, touch, sound, by physical proximity. Someone never seen physically is hard to know and love. God is not easy to love from descriptions of direct contact because few have ever seen God physically and then never fully to describe Him fully. Full knowledge of God is really only something the Son has ever had from sufficient closeness to know God fully and be able to describe Him for us. We need to love God, as is our duty, but we need to know Him in the way we know other people who lead us and teach us. Jesus is so fully like God that effectively we get a true and full picture of what God would be like if physically seen in full when we learn what Jesus is like and what Jesus says and does and when we have closeness spiritually to Jesus. This is what we need in order to feel in our human way that we do indeed love God, loving with a clear conscience that we love what we actually truly know, not merely from some vision or dream but knowing God as we see Him more fully in Jesus His Son: Translated truly as a human being so we can love Him. Seeing God in Jesus we can rest assured with clear conscience that we love God for what God truly is with the same love we have for people we know from direct contact, This is part of what Jesus is as our human Mediator between us and God. We can love and believe in and hope in this God in truth with a clear conscience that it is in truth as we know and love and believe in and hope in Jesus Christ His Son.