
Sunday, 22 January 2023

God’s truth is marching on

 Heaven has its regime, just as the world has its regimes. The God who spoke to me was clear that He, the Father, is the one God. This makes a break from Trinity dogma so powerfully enforced in Christendom since the fourth century. The power of the truth of God and testimony of God is greater than enforced dogma and God shows that He is the One who reigns by how His testimony can so powerfully override that of men, of theological philosophers past and present, with Almighty power, by how the teachings of scripture and of the Holy Spirit have backed up this testimony as I have taught it online and in churches. The precept has followed precept, little by little as I wrote and discussed and debated over the years since God spoke to me. Now I have understood how scriptures used by Trinitarians were originally supposed to be understood. The testimonies of Jesus Christ needed better understanding and Unitarians have helped greatly and the Holy Spirit has backed it up by giving me better and better understanding of the gospels and epistles. God reigns. God can overrule by His testimony. Jesus, God testifies, is His Son. Jesus testifies that God is His Father but God His Father is Himself alone the One True God. It is not about Trinity or sharing God divinity between three people, all one being, no. The Father is a distinct being otherwise He could not give a distinct testimony about Jesus His Son. Jesus brings God’s truth to man and is himself a man, and intercedes with God directly so we can rest assured we need not endure unendurable direct contact with God, the holy fire of highest divinity, because Jesus himself has this direct contact on our behalf, like Moses but greater and eternal. The real meanings of misinterpreted gospels such as John’s displace those misinterpretations as God gives grace to understand what is given by the Holy Spirit. God reigns. God’s testimony is greater than man’s. God’s truth is marching on.