
Saturday, 7 January 2023

My Lord and my God

 "My Lord and my God!" exclaimed Jesus' apostle, Thomas, on seeing the pierced hands of the risen Jesus Christ. How this fits into the doctrinal position of so many Christians who teach that Jesus is God together with the Father. Yet that is a wishful use of the verse, rather childish in its naivety. The fact is, in the Gospel of John where this exclamation of Thomas is recorded, just a bit earlier in that same passage, Jesus is recorded as having sent a message to his disciples via Mary to tell them that he is ascending to their God and his God, to their Father and his Father. Jesus had taught them throughout his ministry that God is both their God and his God, their Father and his Father. Thomas surely exclaimed his finally completed persuasion that this was indeed true and that now how could in all honesty and wholeheartedly call Jesus his Lord and God the Father his God. Now he could face life forever as a walk he could step by step live with a righteous aspect he could forever share with God his heavenly Father and with Jesus his heavenly Lord.