Saying “Jesus is fully human and fully divine” is not quite the same as calling him God. Saying Jesus is God, this is abuse of the gospel. But saying he is fully God and fully human is really flirting with such abuse, playing with words. Any powerful ruler is fully god, small g, and obviously fully human. It is that subtle use of God big G that is where gospel abuse sets in. We all know it really. We are not innocent. We then go hunting for verses to prove our point and justify this abuse, such as Thomas’ words at end of gospel of John which are obviously abused to try to justify the distortion ploy. Anyway, the abuse is so rampant that people think safety in numbers, if everyone is doing it, who can accuse. Yet there are those who have repented and like the people of Nineveh can stand and accuse at the Judgement. Each must be careful because each of us are going to have our works tested by fire. If they are burnt up, … Not a nice scenario. If we judged ourselves we would not be judged. But if by our words we confuse a brother so they sin, our judgment will be severe. Many give up on church because the confusing “fully God, fully human” and “God the Son, Son of God” makes such little sense. Scripture does not say such things. Scripture was written in wisdom and love and power. Consider your hearers, saving them. Love God with all your voice.