
Saturday, 30 December 2023

Gospel of the Son of Man

The gospel is the existence of a pure judge without sin. “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” We use a phrase ”pot calling the kettle black” to describe people clearly guilty of wrong doing trying to bring justice against other people for doing wrong. Jesus Christ’s reputation for sinlessness, purity, lack of any wrong doing, combines with God’s will that Jesus Christ be our judge. It makes sense when you realise that crucial to this is Jesus’ humanity. He had no free pass regarding temptation. He has lived a human life. He is human yet having done no wrong. Were he somehow more God than the typical human, he could not judge us without us retorting to God that it is OK for Jesus, he did not endure being weak and human the same as us, invalidating Jesus’ just right to cast the first stone. People guilty of wrong doing would love it to be true that Jesus were some kind of special human, fully God and fully human. It would render Jesus unsuitable to be judge. So there is a notion, now made the orthodoxy, that Jesus is both fully man and fully God. Not like us at all. Different. Special. Barely able to sin because God cannot sin. Yet when charged with claiming to be God, Jesus ponted to human examples of  people called gods in scripture, because they are judges and saints, and he went on to point out that God has set him aside to be judge of all, hence he is as human as all of us are. God would not have appointed him for this if Jesus were not a human: A human who judges and is apponted to judge everyone by God, everyone including those who sin out of human weakness and out of not being God, hence Jesus is not God except in so much that he is appointed for this. Being Son of God by necessity does not make him God. It would negate his just appointment to be judge of all, lord over all. God gave him existence and gave him a virgin birth body but without negating him being a normal human weak like us. This made his sinless life efficacious for being judge of all and it also made his death on a cross efficacious as the one sacrifice to purify us from sins when we repent and believe. God raising him from the dead made him the first of many truly human brothers and sisters who would likewise be raised when the chosen day comes. This is what Jesus taught. He did not teach the kind fully-God-fully-man dogma there is today. His existence is cricially important in God’s plan for salvation and is efficacious for this. That is why Jesus identified as the Son of Man. Do you believe in the Son of Man?  Receive the true gospel which efficacious is for your salvation.