In many places in the West and not only the West the month of December is marked by decorations. In particular we see red blotches on everyday things. Depictions of red berries on home items such as plates and cards and trees. This is a celebration of the ending of sacrifices to idol gods which ended centuries ago. Two millennia ago the time of December and full moons around that time were marked by feasts in which sacrifices were devoted to gods and blood from the sacrifices was flicked onto household items and the trees and the people gathered there participating. The feasts for these gods were about to be abandoned in obedience to apostles of Jesus Christ whose only God was the Father in heaven. Other gods were commanded to be considered idols. The cross sacrificial death of Jesus Christ was for purification from unprincipled deeds and the resurrection of Jesus Christ proved it was accepted by God the Father. Now the message of this gospel was spreading and feasts to gods were being abandoned in obedience to the apostles’ command. Nowadays the sacrifices to idol gods are hardly ever known and instead there are seasonal celebrations with red blotches denoted with red berries and small bright decorative lights. The gatherings of believers are now marked with red wine and broken bread denoting this sacrifice on the cross of the Lord of the household, Jesus Christ. This household is household of the Father in heaven, the One True God, a jealous God but the One who dealt really and truly with misdeeds of unprincipled living which had led to death and instead taught the principles of the law of Christ which lead to eternal life. The outcome? Resurrection for many and eternal fellowship with God, the Father in Heaven, the One True God, God of Jesus and of those who hold to his teachings.