Those who preach that Jesus is God are overemphasising his divine aspects and falsifying the gospel. A key fact in the gospel is that Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist. This is the most historically attested fact about Jesus Christ since records of it even outside of the gospels exist today. It would make no sense for Jesus to have been baptised by John the Baptist unless Jesus was a human the way that we are human. He was baptised to, in his own words, “fulfil all righteousness” and to be like us in that we humans need to repent of sin and seek forgiveness. He had no sin, and were it not for this need of the gospel ministry he was fulfilling to become like us, he would not have needed to be baptised. If he were God, then baptism would do nothing to make him like us since we are not God. To say simply that Jesus is God misses the whole point of his baptism.