
Sunday, 24 December 2023

The December Feasts

As the season trimmings appear in December, maybe one in ten of the apartment doors around the apartment building in which I live are adorned with a circular reef of either evergreen leaves or some modern fashionable equivalent. Inside those apartments I can only assume some ancient traditional customs for Yule or Saturnalia are being practised. Christ Jesus was born into this world to turn us from sacrificial feasts centred on elemental spirits and ancient gods to the One True God, the Father who sent him. Christ appeared onto the world scene to create a new Temple, a Temple of living people who are willing to regard these old gods as idols and turn to service of God in spirit and truth, inspired to their tasks by the Holy Spirit given them by God the Father in the Son Jesus’ name. This way is made possible by the death on the cross of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of Jesus from the dead by God the Father sealing the sacrifice Christ thus made to deal with the Father’s wrath against our sinful shortcomings and grievous acts. The only requirement is that we believe and hold to his teachings and abstain from the sacrificial system of the elemental spirits and idol gods. There is a new feast in Jesus’ blood that obviates the blood of sacrifice of meat devoted to the idol gods. A new food which is Jesus Christ and his grace. Water welling up which is the Holy Spirit welling up within believers with grace of Christ.