Interesting to ponder: At the resurrection when the saints in Christ are raised to judge the world, when Moses too is raised, will Moses still speak to the Father face to face? Will there be two mediators, Moses and Jesus? Well it is not too much a mystery how Jesus and Moses will relate to each other, because they met already where it was witnessed by Peter, James and John, as was recorded in the gospels, on the mountain at Lord Jesus’ transfiguration. They conversed. It was cool. Elijah was there too. Elijah has a difference in the resurrection in that, like Enoch he has never died. At some point Enoch will be brought along to fit in with that resurrected set of leaders and Elijah will be there perhaps like Enoch, witnessing the growth of the kingdom of Christ in the world till all Christ Jesus’ enemies are made a footstool for his feet. Not long now. I expect many under the age of seventy will be there at the beginning of it when the dead rise to rule. Some will be raised with them but not from death, since they will be still alive, just needing to be made immortal with the others. That transfiguration was a foretaste.