
Thursday, 28 December 2023

Looking for alternatives?

 The Trinity doctrines give those who embrace them a way to escape having to listen to the true gospel. The gospel challenges us. The cross scares us. The obedience of Jesus even unto death on a cross scares and challenges us. It means we effectively died because he died for us. We must retire from sinning. It hurts to hear it. The One True God is an individual we ought to love with all our hearts and even before we believe in His Son we should believe in Him, the One who sent Jesus and for whom Jesus gave full obedience in love. This God is simply an individual with a single personality and singular sovereign authority. Not some complex philosophical concept. Who can love a complex multiperson being. That is the escape for many. Flee to the multiperson being concept doctrines as a way to hide like Jonah fleeing to Tarshish. Tell those who preach a true gospel that they are unorthodox. Make orthodoxy the lie of refuge. That is the side-effect of those of Roman Empire worldly authority who introduced it to allow them to control the believers. Alternatively, love the truth.