
Thursday, 21 November 2024

Good prospects

 John 8. When Jesus said "I am he," he was referring to earlier statements when the Pharisees asked him who he was, where he replied that he is who he has been saying all along: the Son of Man. In short, Jesus was sent by the Father to be the light of the world because, as the Son of Man, he is also the judge. That is what he meant by “I am he”. He meant, in effect, “I am this very Son of Man, and the light of the world sent by the Father”. To believe this is to start to believe in the reason to hold to his teachings, to see the importance of his sayings, in the light that he will one day be your judge. He is uniquely positioned to tell us right in these sayings much of what we need to know in the light of him being our future judge, the Son of Man. He can start judging us right now to start to set us on a straight and narrow path of avoiding dying in our sins and suffering the direst scenario when he judges us finally at the end. But we first have to believe he is this one, and believing it, to hold to his teachings and truly be his believing disciples in our lives. Then we will know the truth and the truth will set us free from the trappings of sin. Sin is a tough master. We either have sin as master or we have the Lord Jesus, the Christ, the Son of Man as our master instead. If we have him our prospects are good.