The reign of Jesus as the Christ is his anointing, his inheritance, because he is the Son of God. In this purpose the Father has given him he will judge all for a thousand years as the Son of Man. It will start not long from now. Then, after this time of rule is completed and all is subjected to him by the Father, he will show that it is truly the Father who is forever God, when he hands the kingdom over to the Father forever, from which time onwards the Father will have obvious status as God. The status of Jesus in his thousand year rule is described as a God-status too, even by the Most High God, the Father. It is not polytheism to describe his status like this. Jesus is set aside, from ancient times, from of old, to judge all humans and angels. If others in judgment power with knowledge of the word of God are called gods, how much more the Son of God. Yet after Jesus’ time in this unique status is completed, near a thousand years from now, he will subject himself to the Father forever, so the Father will be forever God and all in all. The Father will have Jesus at His side forever. Jesus on the Father’s throne. Given this place by the Father.