
Tuesday, 26 November 2024


 The end times world needs there to be a Temple of the Holy Spirit-sealed obeying the commandments righteously.

In the end times, these last days, the Temple which is those sealed by the Holy Spirit, is pivotal: a body of believers who, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, become the living temple of God, fulfilling the scriptural redefinition from a physical structure to a spiritual entity. This body, marked by the Holy Spirit's seal, denotes ownership, protection, and divine distinction, highlighting those who truly belong to God and are safeguarded through the trials of the end times. Their righteous obedience to the commandments is not merely a personal moral endeavor but carries profound communal and spiritual significance. These commandments, which Jesus distilled into the principles of loving God and loving one's neighbor, gain a special context within the unity of the body of Christ, fostering a collective spiritual integrity and witness. Each of the ten commandments takes on a special meaning in the body of Christ, as taught by the apostles and recorded in scriptures. This unified, righteous adherence to God's commandments, particularly in a world rife with apostasy and moral decay, serves as a beacon of divine order and sanctity. It influences the broader world, offering a powerful counter-narrative to prevailing corruption. By observing the faithful obedience of those sealed by the Holy Spirit, even those who might struggle to keep the commandments due to human failings find inspiration and hope. The living examples bolster the noble endeavours to keep the commandments. Thus the communal demonstration of righteousness can lead to a transformative effect, helping to save many from damning corruption and guiding them towards redemption. Thus, in the end times, the world needs this Temple which is those sealed by the Holy Spirit, obeying the commandments righteously, not only as a testament to divine faithfulness but also as a dynamic force for spiritual revival and salvation amidst widespread tribulation.