For those who still believe all their essential doctrines for salvation must come from scripture, here are some typically taught doctrines which don’t primarily come from scripture, and are not taught in scripture even if scripture verses might be used to back them up. 1. Trinity teachings that Father and Son and Holy Spirit are all one being. 2. ”Sola Scriptura” teachings that there is a fixed, canonised, closed set of officially recognised scriptures and all essential doctrines for salvation must come from these. 3. Cessationism teaching that after a certain time, when the apostles were all gone, the miraculous manifestations of the Holy Spirit having been given to individuals ceased, such as in laying on of hands or in hearing the gospel which had previously involved tongues or prophecy and miracles. 4. That after the Book of Revelation had been written, no later scriptures could be accepted and canonised as scripture. I would add a fifth, only familiar in certain USA evangelical and other countries’ evangelical circles, the teaching that the rapture of believers will be before the great tribulation so they will not have to endure any of it. Of course there are many more doctrines taught as essential by individual church denominations, but here are some which span denominations, although none are universally accepted by all churches and denomination groups.