When the gravity of sin is so great that it leads to war, when the grave sin leads to trouble, when the signs of it continuing are obvious in the climate of fear, with nobody knowing how far the wars will escalate, note this: The sin is not punished by the troubles it causes, the real punishment is yet to come, and if the sin goes unpunished now this side of the grave, it will mean far worse punishments after death. The punishing fires are worse on the other side of the grave. The commandments of God we preach in our social media posts and in pulpits and schools and homes, showing our love for God as we preach His commands, these might only highlight the sin, without stopping it. It takes a lot to overcome the wrongdoing of human nature. What is really needed is a ministry of the gospel persuading real sincere belief, followed by the giving of the Holy Spirit by God to those who believe. The lives these believers go on to live will be what challenges those involved in the sin to cease and turn to God. The way God works in the people He truly baptises with the Holy Spirit can cause those who see it to turn from their grave sin. The lives of the Holy Spirit-sealed believers will be salt and light to all around. Maybe then we will see the breaking out of peace. For a while peace might reign. “The fruit of righteousness will be peace”, is the promise of God.