
Sunday, 24 November 2024

Surviving Judgement Day

 Jesus is your future judge. When he loves you because you take heed of his principles and commandments, becoming ready for his judging, you have a great ally, a great “lover of my soul.” You are well positioned to live a life that comes through that judgment well.

He teaches twelve commandments: the Ten Commandments plus the greatest command of love towards the Father, and the second greatest of love towards neighbors. Haters of the Father also hate the Son and cannot take on board what the Son says. These are liars and murderers like their father, the devil. Love towards God leads to truthfulness and love towards the Son of God, Jesus. He, Jesus, leads towards eternal life because it is his place to judge on Judgement Day. Some will believe in him and therefore learn his teachings and change their lives to be ready for Judgement Day. Others will not do this and die in their sins and not be ready.

Those who love the Father also love the Son and love one another in obedience to the Son. They are led towards spiritual unity with the Son and thus with others so united with the Son. This unity is the context in which to apply the Ten Commandments and all of the Lord Jesus Christ’s teachings, as the apostles taught and as we have them in the scriptures and as the Holy Spirit also exhorts, who is given to those who believe.

Then we can focus on the commandments related to each other. Not stealing but working hard to supply needs. Not committing adultery. Not being false in relation to testimonies about each other. Not letting anger get out of hand and lead to unjust killing. Not coveting what is not ours or lusting for those we are not properly united with.

We let truth about the body of Christ guide our own behavior once we are made a part of it. We speak truthfully. We honor our own marriage and honor the marriages of others. We treat others in the body protectively, reigning in any anger that might harm them, controlling our behavior, our words, even our thoughts. We treat others in the body of Christ as part of Christ, conferring the same love on them as we do on Jesus Christ. Caring for them by feeding them when they are hungry, clothing them if they lack daily clothes, visiting them in their time of need. We thus live life in a way to be well placed for time after death and for Judgement Day.