In the Book of Revelation: We see the Father, God, on His throne, the Lamb beside Him, the Holy Spirit (perhaps) flowing like a river from beneath the throne. Is there any doctrine given of how these are related? Is there any concept of anything shared between them? Later Trinitarians claimed some sense of shared essence they actually labelled Trinity and “God”. (This historically seems to have been to deal with allegations of polytheism.) Does the Book of Revelation itself give any such doctrine? Clearly there is a shared message and ministry and kingdom between the Father and Son and Holy Spirit implied in how Revelation depicts them together in heaven. Yet Revelation never labels this. It uses the word “God” for the Father alone. So the shared message, ministry, fellowship and kingdom is not labelled ”God”. Furthermore, there is no limit on three given, but others around the throne are included, the four archangels, the twenty-four elders, the vast number of saints. How does Trinity dogma compare with this Book of Revelation revelation of Jesus Christ’s truth given him by the Father?
Soon after the apostles gospels period, the subsequent generation made Jesus their God. A dilemma resulted about how to handle allegations of polytheism and blasphemy. The subsequent generations did not solve this dilemma in the right way, which is to obediently call Jesus “Lord” making only the Father “God”, but instead they tried to avoid allegations of blasphemy and polytheism by inventing a way of having one God the Trinity instead of one God the Father. For those converted to obedience, the command to have no gods before God is obeyed by calling the Father God and Jesus Lord.