
Sunday, 11 September 2016

Against God-Denial

Champions of God-denial have used the argument that you can look everywhere in space with modern technology and not find God. God is a spirit and it seems from the ancient Book of Enoch He is enthroned in immense chambers deep in the heart of a very high mountain, so it is acceptable to say He is 'on high' physically and spiritually. It seems He is not out somewhere in space (except when He goes there), so looking into space will not find Him. Yes His throne is visible physical crystal (from Enoch's description) hidden from sight in a void magma chamber and inaccessible to normal humans without spirit help to get to it.  Instead of trying to tamper with truth to make it fit our thoughts we need to change - renew - our thoughts to make them fit truth. Quantum physics requires physicists to change their thoughts to fit facts, why cannot the creator of quantum laws of Nature require the same of those of us He created and sustains. I recommend deniers of God read and take to heart scriptural passages like John 8:20-32 and Quran 3:45 and the verses around those references (always good to keep the context too). In fact I recommend it to all. We all need to be free in our minds to have truth and light within us to guide us. The first passage there is relevant where Jesus says He will go where others cannot come. He was going back to God to where God is. It is an actual place, it seems to me from what Enoch wrote.  The thing is that Jesus, Isa al-Masih, did come from somewhere as well as coming sent by some One (sent as the Christ, al-Mashir). He did return there to that Someone. He is there now.