
Saturday, 17 September 2016


The kind of repentance God seeks today is like we see in the prophecy of the Bible Book of Hosea. There you have Judah in the South behaving as God intended while Samaria in the North had become disloyal to God and focussed on earthly worship of false gods and were even calling God Himself 'Baal' in confusion and disloyalty. God wants people like the old time Samaritans to become like those of Judah. I see two groups today like those two groups of old with one manifestation being in how people pray and women in particular in one of the two cultures pray with heads uncovered while women in the other risk persecution to deliberately resist such ungodly practices and always cover their heads no matter what. Some are in between and cover mainly in places of worship and services. It must have counterparts among the men but not so easily noticed. God knows there are the loyal obedient religious people but also the disloyal flouters. He wants all to be like Judah, according to what He said through Hosea and says today.