It is not always understood that before Jesus went back to where He was from He was made into a resurrected physical flesh and blood human and life-giving spirit. The spirit endures death, it seems. Yet Jesus became more than spirit alone - not a mere ghost. He became a spirit with a flesh and blood body and to prove it He ate physical food in front of His disciples. So He returned in that body and must surely have it now, we can believe, though we do not see it. So the place He lives now is suitable for flesh and blood Jesus who is spirit and all powerful by God's power and can communicate, I found, with us here and now in our normal places of living. The place is suitable for spirits that are angelic and spirits that are divine like the Father we call God and the Holy Spirit who comes to us from there. The angelic spirits can go to and fro and take messages and service to us. The Father who we call God has a real actual throne there Enoch described as either crystal or the like. When Enoch in ancient times saw the Son of Man (Jesus before He came) it was one like a human he described. How do I believe Jesus took flesh and blood resurrection body before going back to God after the crucifixion? All my life people said it to me so I followed what they said and prayed along those lines and followed new testament scriptures including the account of John the Apostle and it led to fulfilment of all the things spoken in that account. So I believe it must also be true what John wrote of Jesus physically dying, like Jesus and scriptures foretold, and rising a resurrected human. The power seems to be beyond energy. Like power of humans as we see in politics or when a human can command service as an employer of a company or ruler of a company. Influence is a better fit than energy. A star can influence other stars and exert influence over stellar dust, as we see with the nebulae like those that look very ghostly as telescopes like Hubble show us. God must surely influence and have power over the natural things like a spirit can influence the dust and stars of a nebula but also God can influence the events of our lives like a monarch or employer or politician or business mogul can so it is not just energy involved but authority and what many cultures call honor or 'nomos'. I called on Jesus' 'nomos' to calm a bus I was on just now so I could write. God calmed it.