What is truly great about the God is how small He can be and how He can dwell within time and even within this tiny world we live in. In Christ He has been the tiniest single cell of the incarnate Christ as well as at the same time being Lord over all the Universe and the mightiest of angels so great we cannot imagine them. He makes Himself our size. He makes Himself in our timescale to speak as He did through an angel in the sky at Christ's baptism and when He said in answer to Christ asking Him to glorify His Name, from the sky, "I have glorified it and I will glorify it again". He made Himself known in time and space to the embrionic nation of Israelites by telling them to look into the sky on a certain day at a certain time in a certain direction and there His glory appeared to them in a cloud as a light like the Sun. God can be embrionic in size so too He can be like us in our time. Yet His timescales span beyond the age of all things. So when the time ordained by God for the Word to become flesh arrived there was nothing could stop the right person for that time, Mary, having agreed as God foreknee, finding herself with child though a virgin and so the Word become but a tiny cell and this is what happened. God is what He is and does what He does and both time and His way of expressiion of Himself to us is part of that Sovereignty.