When He took those steps with the soldiers of The Temple who arrested Him and did not seek the freedom from death any more that God The Father could have given Him, Jesus was stepping into a future of shame that would always have Him associated for all time with the sacrifice He would become and even now He is alive again we know Him as The Lamb Slain. The shame of His association forever with the crucifixion He endured is worth it to Him from that time in Gethsemane when He told God The Father "Not my will but Yours be done" for one reason we are told of in Scripture: For the joy set before Him. It is an eternal joy that is now His own very great reward from The Father. The joy of being the Christ and the Head of the Church He bought with His blood, the Body that is to be His Bride. Those who are washed in His Holy Blood to be His own. Believe in Him and be part of His eternal supreme joy that makes His sacrifice worth while to this Lord Jesus the Christ.