
Sunday, 11 September 2016

Spirits Exist

There I was considering that spirits exist which protected me many times. I thought it tied in with a scripture. I didn't know the reference of chapter and verse but I knew the words: I repeated the words to myself. Suddenly out of the blue words clearly came to mind I never thought myself "Daniel 3". I hurried to a particular Bible open in my living room. I looked up Daniel chapter 3. No it didn't have those words I had been thinking about spirits. Agh. Why this reference? I kept reading that chapter and near the end in verse 28 there is mention of 'Angel'. I has a little 'a' next to it. A note referenced in the margin. I looked at the margin reference. It says Ps 34:7-8. Only this Bible version probably has that reference and I haven't read this version much at all (gift from a house church I attended). I looked it up and there was the verse I had been thinking about. Clever way this spirit had to show me it is real and sees all things and even my thoughts. QED.