
Thursday, 29 September 2016

Called and Commanded

Called and commanded. Jesus Christ used to tell people to stop sinning. This is not just a command but also a calling. It is a calling to be a person who is free from constant tendency to sin over and over. This we term a saint. It is a calling to be a saint. Stop sinning. If you do it will be far better for you. If you don't things can go from bad to worse. To stop it might take the freeing of a person from compulsion. This comes when truth from Jesus sets you free from slavish sinfulness. What He meant by sin was lying, hating murderously, lusting immorally. Freedom leads to a better life of speaking truthfully to others in this same calling. Loving such people dearly because of the brotherliness this calling brings. Keeping eachother out of immorality and praying for those who fall into it. The times have changed since Lord Jesus said these things. He died by crucifixion and was held up dead on a cross for all to see. This gave life to many by the death of the perfect man. He rose again but left to return to glory He had before He came together with the God who sent Him. God sent a spitit in Jesus' stead and this is the Holy Spirit. This Spirit teaches still the main lessons of this calling to saintly cessation of sin - turning people to truthfulnrss with cessation of lies. Offering fellowship friendship and partnership with Jesus and Himself to those who obey this teaching. The end of this was foretold to Jesus by God who showed Him a vision recorded in Revelation of the final judgment when all who practice lies and falsehood are thrown into an eternal lake of fire like magma or larva. The ones who fulfil the saintly calling to be fully freed permanently from lying and murderous hating and paganism and immorality and brought together into a new eternal city of God. All through this calling the trachings are preserved in the hearts of those who truly follow these things so they will become the fruit bearers who bring lasting glory to God.