
Thursday, 29 September 2016

Shining Glory

It is mysterious to me what is the glory of God. The ability to hide and reveal glory was once witnessed while Jesus miniatered in Galilee in Judea when on a mountain top in front of three witnesses His appearance changed and He shone very brightly. Such changes of appearance in saintly disciples has been seen from time to time and I believe I saw it once in a fanous preacher too. Another beside me said they saw it while I saw it and thought maybe the man was a real angel. This angelic appearance can come upon people. Moses had it happen to him after meeting with God. Yet it is so clearly a matter of varying degrees of glory given people because it happened to Jrsus on that mountain top such that His appearance was extremely broght and it happened to Him so much more when He rose from the dead and returned to God. Not all the time because He was mistaken for a gardener after His resurrection but when He showed Saul of Tarsus (who is known now as Apostle Paul) His glory on the road to Damascas from Judea it was so bright Saul was blinded. One time at least a prophet saw the same sort of glory in a vision of God and it was like fire from the waist up and fire from the waist down. The prophet and great Sumerian leader Enoch saw and recorded in writing close up in body this appearance but it was the heat too accompanying God's glorious appearance which is notable such that Enoch had to be specially treated so he would not burn up. Yet these people can have ordinary appearance too so we would think they are very ordinary just by looking at them and Jesus Christ lived all His childhood and early adulthood before His ministry such that many even family members did not think Him more than a regular chap and were slow to believe He is the Son of Man who created and ruled even angels before He was made an embyo and baby by God His Father.