Having studied the arguments for and against regiously gained knowledge compared to scientifically gained knowledge I have the following idea of the history of time and the universe. It is a derivative of the religious Logos Doctrine. It is adjusted for modern scientific knowledge of the universe from advanced telescopes but hinges on faith which is helped and honed by such knowledge. The universe was made through the Lord Jesus Christ back before His life as a human: Back at the start of time and space when He was purely a God called the Word (Logos) and the Son of Man. The Logos Doctrine stated that He came into the Universe as a human being born of a virgin and by the workings of the Holy Spirit (a major mystery). It seems that now the plan is that He will fill the Universe as a Human Being (2.0) raised from the dead and eternal; the universe His powerful logic and honour maintains. This in accordance with God's will and predestining sovereign power in the love God has for Jesus His Son. So God existed before anything else and has from the beginning had this plan all along. There must be a sense in which everything changed when Jesus came to the extent a new phase was begun in the history of time itself.