Thousands of years ago when the new Israelite people were leaving Egypt they were at one point afflicted with a deadly plague of snakes while camping on their journey through desert lands. It was so deadly it might have wiped them out had their leader, the famous Moses, pleaded with God their God for their salvation. The God to save them commanded Moses to have bronze snake crafted and put on a pole and held high for all afflicted with snake bites to look at and this healed them and saved them from the deadly snakes. Over a thousand years later a great teacher, Jesus Christ, came and taught that our one greatest enemy from which we need saving is our own sin or as the apostle Paul put it alter, our own human nature. The cure God sent is the Lord Jesus Christ born a human and being so human as to even have John the Baptist baptise Him to show His willingness to follow the teachings John was preaching. He was made human so He could be put up, not on a pole, but on a cross of wood and those who look to Him now are to be saved from their greatest enemy, that human form Jesus had taken. Receiving this new way of life is about holding to what Jesus taught as God His Father gave Him to teach and being given knowledge of truth and a Holy Spirit to live by to save from the tyranny of the human nature we all share.