In a special kind of dream with proof it was a reality beyond a mere dream I certainly with zero doubt saw the 'force' people call God and He exactly has 'human' characteristics. Of course He must be more than He briefly showed me but there is no doubt in my mind He would not 'lie' in what He showed of Himself. I'm sure we have this folk memory of Him as anthropomorphic because He always appears to people like that. It isn't because people were uneducated or primitive. I believe being made in His image is about more than such appearance but it does seem to include such appearance and characteristics. Intelligence of course and language expression and so on although spirit communicates with pictures and forces as well as words and God is spirit. The picture of the Logos prophets like Enoch had was of a Son of Man. The picture we get is that God and the Son of Man are as father and son and together said 'let us make Man in our image'.