We have a tendency among Christians to present as true what we are not really certain is true. This is really a way to lie. Lies are not part of what God is about. We can believe this by learning from the Spirit of Truth put in our hearts when we believe. Peace from God is a guide into truthfulness and truth and it will not lead us into lying or fabricating. Fabricating lies comes as habit when we are under pressure from other believers to say certain things but we might say them as true before being sure personally that they are true. We might assert there is a hell before we are convinced of the truthfulness of scriptures that reveal hell. We are kind of being dishonest to do that. We need to rid ourselves of not just lying but of fabricating lies and tricking people by deceptive tricks into going along with our message. It seems honest to us if the end seems good and we think the end justifies the means but we need to be so holy that if we died we would not be those who practice falsehood who Revelation's message seems to warn have a bad future after death with the Second Death. Let's believe in Christ to save us if we unite with Him in His death and resurrection. Let us instead of fabricating dishonestly what we do not know for sure first find certainty in Christ then speak from this standing in what we really do believe, knowing from whom we have learned it. Christ Jesus is Faithful and True. I know this much. I know His testimony is true.