There is a message that carries power even with four words used to express it but it only has power when heard by a believer. The four words are CHRIST DIED FOR YOU.
The meaning of the first word conveys much to a believer that Jesus is the Christ. It matters to a believer that there is a Christ set aside by God to convey saving power to a believer. If you get baptised into the grace of Christ as a believer and put faith in the grace of God and its ability to save you then to know that He died for you is to know that by sharing in Him you are sharing in the power of His death and you are made by His death into His possession to share the efficacy of that death on the cross. It means there is hope. It means He can save you now He is risen because His death counted for something with God and God will now save you as you are part of Christ. It makes the name He gave Jesus 'The Lord God saves His own' apply to you since God saves Jesus and you are part of Jesus because of His death for you and He being the Christ has all God's greatest blessing which you share. If you do not yet feel part of Jesus Christ yet you do believe then there is hope if you will be baptised into Him so you too can share in Him by His death on the cross. It also means you, as a believer and sharer in Christ, are an equal member of a body of believers who are His body. Be honest with them. They are part of the body you also are part of.
The meaning of the first word conveys much to a believer that Jesus is the Christ. It matters to a believer that there is a Christ set aside by God to convey saving power to a believer. If you get baptised into the grace of Christ as a believer and put faith in the grace of God and its ability to save you then to know that He died for you is to know that by sharing in Him you are sharing in the power of His death and you are made by His death into His possession to share the efficacy of that death on the cross. It means there is hope. It means He can save you now He is risen because His death counted for something with God and God will now save you as you are part of Christ. It makes the name He gave Jesus 'The Lord God saves His own' apply to you since God saves Jesus and you are part of Jesus because of His death for you and He being the Christ has all God's greatest blessing which you share. If you do not yet feel part of Jesus Christ yet you do believe then there is hope if you will be baptised into Him so you too can share in Him by His death on the cross. It also means you, as a believer and sharer in Christ, are an equal member of a body of believers who are His body. Be honest with them. They are part of the body you also are part of.