
Friday, 14 October 2016

Finding the Logos

 'The Logos was with God and the Logos was Divine.' The nature of God is that from before all things He had the 'Logos' with Him and through the Logos God made all things. Pythagoras recognised a logic behind all things. The Apostles of Jesus were inspired to use the word Logos with all its manestic meaning to describe how everything was made. This Logos was in the making of everything from the start and Pythagoras wanted to discover understand it in all things. Science could focus on that instead of money then thank God and glorify Him for it. Jesus embodied it but the Universe runs on rules which come from the Way of this Logos. The faith from God says by Spirit that this is Jesus' Way, His Name (nomos). So religion has already found it in Jesus where Science despite Pythagoras has failed.