What is Hell? Judging using religious faith from a combination of sources including Sumerian prophecies (taking The Book of Enoch as Sumerian) and testimony of Jesus Christ along with visions such as John related in The Book of Revelation where God gives His word on the matter, there are two physical places described as places of punishment after death. There is one place existing now and it will be replaced with another in the future (centuries from now). The place of punishment existing now is called Hades and it is described as like a huge underground chamber, perhaps an empty magma chamber, where billions of souls or ghosts of the deceased from all time of human existence are held as if they haunt it but are unable to leave it. It can be seen from this place that at least one other similar underground place exists where souls or ghosts of humans are held without punishment but none can go from one place to the other or others. The place that does not yet exist is called Gehenna or Hell or The Lake of Fire and it seems it will be like a huge magma or larva (perhaps even plasma) area that will emerge close by the site of present Jerusalem. This place will receieve people from Hades and from the living too who will be raised from the dead for a little while for their final judgment before they are assigned there permanently. After this Hades will itself be assigned to such fire, perhaps the very same place of fire.