
Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Chess Miracle

First time I was ever given a miracle (God working it in me) was sat with a friend now a respected scientist married to the daughter of one of the world top highly awarded scientists and he saw what I saw and knew the fear I knew. We had just been discussing Einstein's theories of relativity and Genesis, age of Universe, light from stars, etc What he and I saw that made us fear was direct evidence of God. Telling it might not be enough to be evidence for you to make you fear so you might despise it and wonder why it would make myself and an intelligent budding scientist fear. It was quite simple and I probably related it in the thread about heaven so you might have already had the details so no need to give them all. I hope my friend will not object as I have not given enough to identify him. The voice (I never told anyone for years and never told my friend lest people think me some kind of sorcerer and judge me but now other events have assured me it was divine like Holy Spirit and not magic) the voice told me to choose something when we were doing that thing you do when playing chrss to determine who is white and plays first. It said 'choose the hand that looks whitest' when my friend held the white pawn out in one closed hand and the black pawn out in the other after shuffling them behind his back so even he... evn he didn't know which was white. I did this thirty two times in a row and every time I chose the white pawn. We stopped because enough was enough and it proved to us there is a hidden God. The outcomes were clearly being determined by God who alone can determine such things, I realise now. At the time I was more ignorant than today (!) and was scared to tell in case this was seen as magic but niw I have more confidence only God can work in chance to determine an outcome so it was God working in me to show us His power as we considered what to believe about science and creation. It was in no way planned by me that this would happen. It was out of the blue - literally.