
Wednesday, 31 May 2017

A Reason For My Certainty

The reason for my certainty about God is as follows. I wanted spiritual gifts all my life and eventually God heard my prayers and a local leader back in the mid nineties took me to a church where he said I would receive what I so earnestly sought. At the meeting a leader gave a message at the mic in tongues. So beautiful the words and not babble but real angelic sentences in a definite language but out of this world. (Years later I learned a technical term for it is xenoglossia.) I had a feeling of pressure on me which was the Holy Spirit and as each sentence was spoken it inspired pictures and English words in my mind which were a glorious prophesy about the glory of the power of the Lord Jesus' name and authority and how trees bud and produce leaves by it. It went: "Look at the trees how they bud and produce leaves; they do this it by the name of Lord Jesus Christ." It continued about planets or the like but I cannot remember that part. I'd never heard such things. Then the speaker stopped and started speaking in English and his words were the very words I had heard as a translation of the message. I'm certain this was a manifestation the Holy Spirit. Since then I heard Him speak to me too and prove to me it was Him.
A little later I saw a book, The Book of Enoch translated by R H Charles, in an SPCK bookshop and opened it and flicking through saw words almost matching the words I heard in tongues with interpretation so I knew I must accept that this book was a work of this same Holy Spirit. In reading it I might have had that faith sorely tested though were it not for the archeology I had studied. Here is the kind of thing I read in it that first look: "Observe how the trees cover themselves with green leaves and bear fruit: wherefore give ye heed with regard to all, and recognize how He that liveth for ever hath made them so. And His works go on from year to year for ever, and all the tasks they accomplish for Him, and change not, but according as hath ordained so is it done."

Monday, 29 May 2017

My Reliable Sources and My Certianty

The Book of Enoch states that Enoch was "seventh from Adam" and in the first century was quoted by the natural brother of Jesus Christ in saying this. Then thousands of years later archeologists discovered several versions of the Sumerian King List some of which were near extant tablets and these state that Enoch (Enmendurana who received the calendar and other knowledge by angel visitations and was taken to be with them) was seventh in succession from Adam (Alulim the first ever king of Sumer who had no parents or predecessor becauses he was created) - how would that have happened unless simply it was true and these texts all preserved that truth. I rely not on scientific source but I rely on the Book of Enoch and the Holy Spirit (saying the same things through xenoglossia) but get help from the archeology I already knew. But here is what I really rely on:  I wanted spiritual gifts all my life and eventually God heard my prayers and a local leader back in athe mid nineties took me to a church where he said I would receive what I so earnestly sought. At the meeting a leader gave a message at the mic in tongues. So beautiful the words and not babble but real angelic sentences in a definite language but out of this world. (Years later I learned a technical term for it is xenoglossia.) I had a feeling of pressure on me which was the Holy Spirit and as each sentence was spoken it inspired pictures and  English words in my mind which were a glorious prophesy about the glory of the power of the Lord Jesus' name and authority and how trees bud and produce leaves by it. I'd never heard such things. Then the speaker stopped and started speaking in English and his words were the very words I heard. I reckon this was interpretation of tongues. It is a gift. It is not itself tongues but was great and certainly the Holy Spirit. Since then I heard Him speak to me too and prove to me it was Him. I never spoke in tonges but it sure is the Holy Spirit God gave me.
A little later I saw a book, The Book of Enoch translated by R H Charles, in an SPCK bookshop and opened it and flicking through saw words almost matching the words I heard in tongues with interpretation so I knew I must accept that this book was a work of this same Holy Spirit. In reading it I might have had that faith sorely tested though were it not for the archeology I had studied. Here is the kind of thing I read in it that first look: "Observe how the trees cover themselves with green leaves and bear fruit: wherefore give ye heed with regard to all, and recognize how He that liveth for ever hath made them so. And His works go on from year to year for ever, and all the tasks they accomplish for Him, and change not, but according as hath ordained so is it done."

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Modern Wisdom

Modern knowledge mainly comes to the West (and rest of the world) through Moor traders travelling through Timbuktu and leaving books in libraries there translated into Arabic from other languages plus adding other works of accumulated knowledge from the golden age of Islam and many of the works were preserving the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers like Aristotle and these reached Europe and were translated by monks into Latin. They were read in cities in Europe throughout the early centuries of the second millennium AD until in the middle centuries the flourishing of knowledge of the Ancient Greeks and Arabs from these books developed into the Rennaissance and then the Enlightenment as mathematicians and philosphers like Leibnitz and Newton built in those foundations of Aristotle and Plato. There were roots of a new kind of magic arts as part of it too, alongside the Christian influence, such as Hermeticism and alchemy and medicine especially around 1500. So today we have sciences and humanities incorporating a mix of sorcery and religion. And here we are. Like Daniel had to grapple with in Neo-Babylon and Medo-Persia. In fear of God he must have learned to reject the magic and sorcery and embrace godlier wisdom. We must do so too if we would escape our doglike godless ways and be what God would have as children.

God's Awesome Love

That awesome love of God, if it were embodied anywhere else we would fear it could be out of reach of us - but it is embodied in its entirety there in the wonderful person who our Lord Jesus Christ is so it is always there and always in reach and never overcome by our enemy. He has died and lives so death has no power to remove Him and the love of God for us embodied in Him.

Reductio ad Absurdum

With the exponential progress of technology and science in the last five hundred years and exponential exptrapolation for five hundred years into the future it is reasonable humans could make planets (if they didn't wipe themselves out first) - and in a universe so old as science says and so large it is absurd that aliens would not exist millions of years let alone hundreds or thousands of years more advanced than humans - so it is logical absurdity to deny the extremely high likelihood there are many planets in the universe made by aliens - so it is absurd to deny the likelihood this planet and us on it are created. Reductio ad absurdum. Then looking at alternatives to the absurd but popular idea: An alternative is that the creator or creators did not only create this world but all of the universe and this world is first of their creations and so no other creations or creators exist other than this creation of which humans are aware along with the invisible aspects of it such as what we call spirits. It is a small step to believe that the creators have made themselves known as the One who created the universe and us in it (as God) and the One through whom all things were created (as The Lord, The Son of Man, The Word of God, The Son of God, The Elect One of God).

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Mystery Revealed

Ancient man knew of something called 'the oath' and how it controlled the universe and life on earth. Ancient wisdom associated it with a spirit over all other spirits and a spirit called the Son of Man with this Lord of Spirits. Ancients were like eastern cultures which have a concept of 'nomos' which is similar to the western concept of reputation or name and combines the teachings, laws, customs and traditions of a family (house). The 'name' of this Son of Man is associated or indentified with 'the oath'. It controls the universe so wherever you are in the universe this oath is there. Pythagoras the ancient mystic mathematician noticed that logical rules expressible in maths exist universally everywhere in space. The Gospel writer John seems to have taught too that this is a feature of all the universe in all time past because this set of logical principles and laws existed before anything else as brought forth first and foremost by a creator spirit embodied in a humanlike person called the Logos or Word or Son of Man and all things were created through this person by God making Him Lord over all the universe and making His name and teachings Law - Laws of Nature as we call it. This Logos became Jesus and the rest is history. 

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Searching For Truth

The history of Jerusalem has much to offer an unbeliever seeking help in searching for truth or refutation about God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. The next place to note is Rome where the bones of Peter lie buried beneath the present day Vatican. Worth a visit or at least a look at the evidence about Peter. Then another area to study is Sumeria and the Calcholithic finds of Palestine and Predynastic Egypt and then a look at the Early Dynastic periods of Uruk and the like and comparison with the Book of Enoch from the greater Ethiopic bible canon (compare with extant text of 'The Instruction of Shurrapak' for example). Then look at the texts found in ancient first and second century AD ribbish tip archeology sites outside Cairo, etc where some texts include mention of Jesus. You have to join the dots in your head and judge for yourself because with vested interests in atheism the scientists won't do it for you.

Light and Darkness

If you are a habitual liar you might also be a hater - hating without justification for it. Even if you are in company of people unlike all that who are influenced by light and not such dark forces, you can still stay like that. It can be like being caught in a vicious circle - you hate and lie and cannot be loving so you loathe yourself for it and get jealous towards those who seem to be free of it. What broke the cycle for me was being apart from my peers and while away hearing this preached in a public shopping place: "Christ died for you" Then being able to go into a church with the preacher and pray with him there and feel the power of God within me teaching me truthful speaking instead of lying and then going back to people of the light and learning to speak truthfully to them.
be fully influenced by the forces of light lest you be influenced by dark forces

Friday, 19 May 2017

Dark Forces

If God doesn't influence your life, dark forces will.

Thursday, 18 May 2017

The Day of Iran

Daniel chapter 7 tells of a prophetic dream about Persia rising as an empire "“Then look!—a second animal resembling a bear followed it. It was raised up on one side, with three ribs held between the teeth in its mouth. Therefore people kept telling it, ‘Get up and devour lots of meat!’ " Today Persia manifests as Iran and Revelation 13 warns it will return as an empire along with the return of the ancient Greeco-Macedonian and Neo-Babylonian Empire all combined into one empire. Things will doubtless get far worse.  "And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Understanding Through Faith

By my UK citizenship I understand that HRH The Queen is the UK monarch and HRH The Prince of Wales is next in line to the throne but a son and a subject of the Queen. By my faith I understand that The Father is the one sovereign God by whom all things were created and have existence and His Son Jesus Christ is the one Lord over all creation through whom all things were made and have existence and Jesus worships and is subject to God His Father and His God. I have seen that over shop doors in the home village (Tetbury) of the Prince of Wales a sign saying 'By appointment to HRH Prince of Wales' because services by this shop are permitted to be rendered to the Crown Prince. By faith I hear that every bud of every tree is produced through the name of the Lordship of Jesus Christ so it is as it were each tree is by appointment to Lord Jesus Christ and all planets and stars and all things in all this Universe and such is His glory with God since the beginning of all things.

Why Do Bad Things Happen?

Why do bad things happen to people? Because they are bad? Not always. Look at deciduous trees; they lose their leaves every year, but it does not make them bad trees. They glorify Jesus when they grow new ones later in the year because it is all in Jesus' name and by His Lordship authority that they do it: Glory He had with God from before the foundation of the world.

Monday, 15 May 2017

The Tower of Babel

Clearly humans built towers using bitumen mortar to protect lower course bricks against floods. This was the also starting when the Tower of Babel in scripture was recorded as being built and stopped by God and spirits with God. People still try to deny the history and say the use of bitumen started over a thousand years later. What people are opposing is the real possibility of intelligent invisible forces, especially ones affecting human history. It's too much of a wake up call, too startling. Then if you realise they exist, next step is what can you do about them since you cannot see them? Easier to deny they exist and deny any history like this that points to their existence. Then you can go back to normal routine and forget about it. But that is surely folly and the bill could be huge. So whar can we do? Well in history there was a certain cross on a hill: Start there.

Sunday, 14 May 2017

The Truth Will Set You Free

If the truth that sets free is the truth that Jesus is and that He died and rose for us then we cannot afford to keep it at a distance but must let it reach our hearts even though that makes us dead to the world.

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Logos Teaching

Ancient man knew of something called 'the oath' and how it controlled the universe and life on earth. We might call it 'laws of nature'. Ancient wisdom associated it with a spirit over all other spirits and a spirit called the Son of Man (Logos) with this Lord of Spirits. This name of this Son of Man is associated or indetified with this oath. It controls the universe so wherever you are in the universe this oath is there because wherever you go it will be even there true that the Logos is. Just like wherever you go on earth today murder is wrong and lying is wrong and law is law - there is a universal governance and morality on earth today so there are laws of nature true wherever in the universe you are. There are aspects of this law of nature like speed of light and gravity that exist all over. The Logos exists in one place but the laws coming from this Logos are present in all parts of the universe because of that existence and the name of this person who is the Son of Man. Pythagoras noticed this - that logical rules expressible in maths exist universally everywhere in space. The Logos teaching is that this is a feature of all the universe in all time past because this set of logical principles and laws existed before anything else as brought forth first and foremost by a creator spirit embodied in a humanlike person called the Logos or Word or Son of Man and all things were created through this person making Him Lord over all the universe and making His name and teachings Law - Laws of Nature as we call it. So the humanlike nature of this Son of Man make these laws comprehensible by humans made in His likeness and we can write symbols to describe the laws and use them as mathematics. This Logos became Jesus and the rest is history. That is the Logos teaching - my take on it. Many through history have taught these things because there are spirits from the Lord of Spirits sent out to teach it.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

God Has Spoken

God spoke to Moses giving the ten commands to Israel by His own mouth. So Jesus later said "Do this and you will live". Now He has spoken again to John and all of us should heed it: 'And the one sitting on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new!” And then he said to me, “Write this down, for what I tell you is trustworthy and true.” And he also said, “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life. All who are victorious will inherit all these blessings, and I will be their God, and they will be my children. But cowards, unbelievers, the corrupt, murderers, the immoral, those who practice witchcraft, idol worshipers, and all liars—their fate is in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”' Revelation 21:5-8

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Love Your Enemies

"Love your enemies" said Jesus Christ. I personally would apply this loving of enemies command in this way; if there is something I can do which will benefit others but it will benefit my enemies too with no reward from them back to me, I should not let that thought stop me doing it. Personally that is the best I can do because I do not have the means to buy food for friends and enemies who are hungry or even visit them in prison or hospital and God knows that. We can give to charities that feed everyone poor and hungry indiscriminately because of this teaching of Jesus to love not just our friends but also our enemies.

A great example of the teaching of loving enemies is the Book of Jonah where Ninevah was a mortal enemy of Israel and yet Jonah was commanded to preach to it what God would give him - he initially went far away from doing it because, he later said, he knew the preaching would save Ninevah and he could not bear that outcome. God taught him the lesson he needed by comparing Ninevah to a shade on a hot day that would be a loss to God if it perished so God can love an enemy city because even an enemy can be a blessing in extreme circumstances and would be missed by God. So in loving our enemies we are loving our God who made them and then God is indeed our God. Easier to say than to do though, as Jonah experienced. So when our saving message is preached to people who include our enemies we feel it turns our stomach bitter even though it is sweet in the mouth to speak it.

To achieve love (holy love) we have to work at our personal development once we believe and are forgiven: 2 Peter 1:5-9 "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But whoever does not have them is nearsighted and blind, forgetting that they have been cleansed from their past sins."


It was 1995 when the word came to me "Israel has sinned. This is the sign" and an eagle was flying overhead in the vision with a great white eye. The same day a police helicopter service started and flew later over my local church. It had a search light and camera like that eagle. They called it Operation Vulture. The same day the news showed spy planes black like the eagle. The wars that followed were shown in my vision. This is real and God still speaks how He spoke in Bible times. Those months of the end of 1994 and beginning of 1995 were huge for me. I had been seeking God while living all on my own in my first house while working as an office junior. God came in a dream and spoke to me in December 1994. Then weeks later in January 1995 Jesus met me invisibly out in the street. I found God and Jesus are just as they are described in the Bible. This was just before I had an experience of an interpretation of a message in tongues in a church meeting. There was significance of this being Father and Son and Spirit because I had been asking for this in earnest because of my calling to preach. But most striking is how Jesus is just how the Gospels say He is. And it was by following the promise of Jesus recorded in the gospel of John that I could ask for this.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

War of Words

Why this war of words between humanists and the Bible? Personally I found in my own life that you get to a stage where your little faith and awareness of real Christianity turns into enough faith and earnest seeking after God and a real Christian experience that God gives the Holy Spirit as a genuine undoubtable reality. This leads to learning stuff, amazing stuff. At this point you want to develop what is learned (at least I did) when you discover relevant scriptures and they take you to the next level. It just so happened with me that those scriptures I discovered that let me develop what I had learned from the Holy Spirit were not part of the Bible (The Book of Enoch, which I came across in a Christian book shop while looking for a particular translation of the Old Testament to buy someone as a gift) but Bible passages like Isaiah and Daniel and John and Revelation have helped me go further too. So Bible and other scripture is very much part of Christian development and learning if you find a need for reality in your Christian life. How would anyone know about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ without the scriptures and written texts of that time? We have to keep such a vital testimony because our faith rests upon it firmly as regards the message of God through Jesus that it vindicates. Receiving this message is what leads to our life in God and in Jesus that the Spirit gives us that leads to us loving and obeying Jesus Christ and knowing Him with us and God the Father with us and the Holy Spirit eventually within us.
Because Jesus is, the faith of intelligent hearers of scripture will surely be built on the God-sent misfortunes of humanists and scientists and atheists and medics who oppose scripture and faith but may God in mercy grant all these people time to repent and believe and God spare them. In Jesus Christ's name.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

The Good Fight

Here is what we must each fight for our lives to escape: from Revelation 21:8 "But the cowardly (meaning: those without moral backbone), the unbelieving (amplified: those who reject the faith God puts within them), the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral (lit: gigolos), those who practice magic arts (Gk: pharmakoi translated online: medics), the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”
Various things we are prone as humans to do are sins that lead to death and the lake of fire if we do not stop doing them before we die. To stop we need (John 8) to believe in Jesus being the 'I am' who was with God from all time and is sent by God as Messiah to be salvation from these sins. Then we need to grasp this salvation by holding to the teachings that come from God through Him. This is the way that leads to freedom from these mortal sins and therefore on to a life of being saved and being free of fear of that lake of fire because we do better things in our lives and do not live the way of life of those whose end is that end.

Prophesy Today

you will find YHWH saying today "Israel has sinned" just like He said to Isaiah and through Isaiah (chapter 2) so clearly He does not want people He calls Israel dying in their sins and will do what it takes to save them from it

The Thing Is

The thing is, whatever secular pressure groups and think tanks and government departments and politicians say and do, there is a spirit over every spirit who is God who made all this and is about to unmake most of it and do it anew and He is currently preparing people to be saved and be part of the new thing He does and these secular groups cannot stop Him. 

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

To Humanists

It is what God thinks that matters and He has summed it all up in His beloved Son so the Bible is a great set of scriptures but destroy them or suppress them and Jesus Christ remains and all truth is summed up in Him by God Himself.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Rome and the Gospel

If you go to Rome and look around you might find the tomb of Augustus and then at the heart of the Vatican you might realise under the ground there is buried the body of St Peter. What was Peter doing in Rome? In the time of Augustus being Caesar of the Roman Empire there was tax of everyone introduced so to be registered there was a couple in Judea who had to go to Bethlehem and while there a baby was born who had been produced by the Holy Spirit of God in the womb of a virgin mother and this baby grew up to be Teacher in Judea. Peter had followed this Teacher Jesus and believed Jesus to be the promised, prophesied coming Messiah. The Messiah made Peter a leading disciple and sent Him to preach after a crucifixion and resurrection back to life of Jesus caused by God who is Father to Jesus. Peter ended up preaching there in Rome in the power of the Holy Spirit sent by God in Jesus' name. Peter too ended up crucified and his body was buried by his own disciples there where the Vatican is today. The preaching was to give up pagan idolatry and licentious living and turn to this God and Father of Lord Jesus the Messiah who can save through His Son. The preaching was to receive the Holy Spirit as leader and empowerer in this Kingdom of God.

Tomorrow's World

When a person knows both the infinite and the infinitessimal in all dimensions it is suddenly their identity that becomes primary in importance because that is all that is never lost despite huge leaps in development, awareness and learning and that power that comes with it. Other people are identities to such a person too and you still either love them or not no matter how great your knowledge and understanding. A person on a par with gods in such knowledge and wisdom and therefore power too is potentially of stellar proportion in their influence so could appear to be like a black hole within a stellar dust cloud provided that influence is given free reign by others with similar or greater knowledge and power and wisdom but a pecking order will still exist. Such will be future human beings. This might sound 'New Age' but it is a projection of current progress of the human race with the added insight God gives through revelations to humankind over humanity's history. Not sure I'd want to become like a black hole or super star in a dust cloud for billions of years - I'd prefer a place as a priesr of God in His city.