Modern knowledge mainly comes to the West (and rest of the world) through Moor traders travelling through Timbuktu and leaving books in libraries there translated into Arabic from other languages plus adding other works of accumulated knowledge from the golden age of Islam and many of the works were preserving the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers like Aristotle and these reached Europe and were translated by monks into Latin. They were read in cities in Europe throughout the early centuries of the second millennium AD until in the middle centuries the flourishing of knowledge of the Ancient Greeks and Arabs from these books developed into the Rennaissance and then the Enlightenment as mathematicians and philosphers like Leibnitz and Newton built in those foundations of Aristotle and Plato. There were roots of a new kind of magic arts as part of it too, alongside the Christian influence, such as Hermeticism and alchemy and medicine especially around 1500. So today we have sciences and humanities incorporating a mix of sorcery and religion. And here we are. Like Daniel had to grapple with in Neo-Babylon and Medo-Persia. In fear of God he must have learned to reject the magic and sorcery and embrace godlier wisdom. We must do so too if we would escape our doglike godless ways and be what God would have as children.