When a person knows both the infinite and the infinitessimal in all dimensions it is suddenly their identity that becomes primary in importance because that is all that is never lost despite huge leaps in development, awareness and learning and that power that comes with it. Other people are identities to such a person too and you still either love them or not no matter how great your knowledge and understanding. A person on a par with gods in such knowledge and wisdom and therefore power too is potentially of stellar proportion in their influence so could appear to be like a black hole within a stellar dust cloud provided that influence is given free reign by others with similar or greater knowledge and power and wisdom but a pecking order will still exist. Such will be future human beings. This might sound 'New Age' but it is a projection of current progress of the human race with the added insight God gives through revelations to humankind over humanity's history. Not sure I'd want to become like a black hole or super star in a dust cloud for billions of years - I'd prefer a place as a priesr of God in His city.